Palma Vela 2017

Wednesday, May 3, 2017 - Sunday, May 7, 2017
Location: Mallorca (Spain/Baleares, Mediterranean Sea)
Gaastra PalmaVela is well established as the curtain raiser for the Mediterranean racing season but it is increasingly drawing a bigger overseas entry, a more diverse fleet, and more and more grand prix teams looking to set their year in motion racing against high quality opposition.
Host Club: Real Club Nautico de Palma
Homepage: http://www.palmavela.com/principal/index_uk.php
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Giraglia Rolex Cup '15

Sunday, June 11, 2015 - Friday, June 17, 2017
Location: St. Tropez (France, Mediterranean Sea)
Classic offshore test. A desolate island off the coast of Corsica, La Giraglia lands its name to one of the definitives regattas in the Mediterranean. Contestants must tackle 243 miles from St. Tropez around the lighthouse-crowned rock of Giraglia and back to the mainland to Genoa. Started in 1953 it's a classic test of sailing skills: preparation, tactics, pinpoint navigation and superlative timing.
Race type: Inshore and Offshore Long Distance Race
Host Club: Yacht Club de Italiano
Homepagehttp://www.yachtclubitaliano.it/ ...
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ORC Wolrds 2017 Trieste

Friday, June 30, 2015 - Saturday, July 8, 2015
Location: Trieste ( Italy, Mediterranean Sea)
Porto San Rocco is pleased to announce that Notice of Race for the Triest 2017 ORC World Championship has been released and it´s available at the event’s website.
From the 30th June to 8th July, Gulf of Triest will host the 2017 ORC Worlds with a maximum number of 120 entries distributed in three different classes.
Race type: Inshore and Offshore Long Distance Race
Host Club: Porto San Rocco
Homepage: http://www.golfoditrieste.net/page/ORC%20Worlds%202017/102.html
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Regata Copa del Rey 2017

Saturday, July 29, 2017 - Saturday, August 05, 2017
Location: Palma de Mallorca (Spain, Mediterranean Sea)
The Cope del Rey is the most prestigious IRC regatta in the Med and one of the leading regattas all over the world.
Racetype: Race Week
Host Club: Real Club Nautico de Palma
Homepage: http://www.regatacopadelrey.com/index/index.php?ln=uk
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Cowes Week 2015

Saturday, July 29, 2017 - Saturday, August 05, 2017
Location: Cowes, Isle of Wight (United Kingdom, British Isles)
Cowes Week is one of the UK's longest running and most successful sporting events and is a key highlight of the British sporting summer.
The regatta has evolved enormously since 1826, and now over 1,000 boats in up to forty different handicap, one-design and multihull classes race every day for eight days
Around 8,500 competitors now participate, ranging from Olympic and world class yachtsmen to weekend sailors. The spectacle that the racing provides, together with the vibrant festival atmosphere attracts over 100,000 visitors to Cowes during the event.
Race type: Race Week
Host Club: Cowes Combined Clubs (CCC)
Homepage: http://www.cowesweek.co.uk/web/code/php/main_c.php?map=cw17&ui=cw1&style=std&override=§ion=home
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Rolex Fastnet Race 2015

Sunday, Start August 06, 2017 - Saturday, August 22, 2015
Location: Cowes, Isle of Wight (United Kingdom, British Isles)
The biennial Rolex Fastnet Race has been an established fixture on the ocean racing circuit since 1926. The 607-mile race is a test of strategy and skill with challenging tidal currents and changeable weather. The fleet starts off the renowned Royal Yacht Squadron in Cowes, races out the Solent and across the often tempestuous Celtic Sea to the Fastnet Rock, and returns on a reciprocal course to the finish off Plymouth.
Racetype: Long Distance Race
Host Club: Royal Ocean Racing Club
Homepage: http://www.rolexfastnetrace.com/
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les Voiles de Saint Tropez 2017

Friday, September 30, 2017 - Saturday, October 8, 2017
Location: Saint Tropez (France, Mediterranean Sea)
Les Voiles de St Tropez is an amazing rendezvous of yachts. First run twenty-six years ago as La Nioulargue, the regatta gathers together the most extraordinary modern sailing boats alongside the most beautiful traditional yachts in the early autumn. A host of racers and sailing enthusiasts come from all the corners of the globe to do battle in the bay of Saint-Tropez. The Rolex trophy is awarded to the winner of the Classic Division over 16 metres.
Race type: Race week
Host Club: Société Nautique de Saint-Tropez
Homepage: http://www.lesvoilesdesaint-tropez.fr/les_voiles_de_saint_tropez/

Barcolona 2015

Dates are coming soon
Location: Trieste (Italy, Mediterranean Sea)
Barcolana is the regatta with the most participating yachts in the Med and maybe worldwide. Attracting approximately 2000 boats and 25000 sailors Barcolana turns Trieste into Europe's capital of sailing for the whole weekend. Boats being constructed especially for this day regatta or shipped from as far as Australia and crewed by world and olympic champions proof that this is the place to be for the second weekend in October.
Racetype: Weekend Regatta
Host Club: Societa Velica di Barcola e Grignano
Homepage: http://www.barcolana.it
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Rolex Middle Sea Race

Dates are coming soon
Location: Valetta (Malta, Mediterranean Sea)
Shaped to be a challenge similar to her illustrious sisters the Rolex Fastnet, the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht and the Newport Bermuda Races, this 607-mile course has more than lived up to the expectations of her creators and left us with many stories of great seamanship, unwavering courage and, perhaps above all, passion.
Racetype: Long Distance Race
Host Club: Royal Malta Yacht Club
Homepage: http://www.rolexmiddlesearace.com

Sunday, Start November 25, 2017
Location: Gran Canaria (Spain, Canarisch Islands) - St Lucia (Caribbean)
The ARC is a ‘must do’ for many sailors, and attracts over 200 boats and 1200 people every year to sail 2700 NM across the Atlantic from Gran Canaria to Saint Lucia.
Racetype: Long Distance Race
Host Club: World Cruising Club
Homepage: https://www.worldcruising.com/arc/arcitinerary.aspx